On Saturday nigh we went to a Murder Mystery dinner with some good friends of ours. We were give our Character bios , dress attire and the story background a week before. Of course Keith fully embraced his role the moment he put on his costume. He was a Art Gallery employee and I was a distant cousin. I would have won the mystery but Keith deterred me from my guess! I know I know . . . what was I thinking! We had a blast and are contemplating throwing our own Murder Mystery dinner.
By the way Keith's mony tail was phenomenal! (Male + Ponytail =Mony tail)
The dragon at the top is a good friend of ours named Mark who was reminiscing the Starsky & Hutch movie.
Tell Antonio Banderes to take it easy with that ponytail! Ha. So cute. Looks like fun!
Did Brooke not read the blog?!?!? It is absolutely not a ponytail... but the ponytails manly brother, MONYTAIL. That is funny! I love it.
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