Sunday, January 25, 2009

Emily turns 7!

Last Sunday we went to a Roller party for our Niece, Emily's 7th birthday.  She looked so cute dressed up as Hannah Montana! How could we pass up a roller party  . . . keith + roller skates = good times!!


Mrs.C said...

This is so cool..... I had no idea you did all this! xoxo

Brooke Smith. said...

Oh my goodness gracious, you guys have been busy! We have been dirtbike riding... pretty much it. Jake finished his credential program... my auntie is having a little party for us. I know you guys came to the one for Jake's family but this one is for friends. You should be getting an invitation in the mail. Don't feel like you have to come... even though we would LOVE to see you! Hope all is well and hope to see you soon!