Sunday, December 7, 2008

Here Comes The Sparkle

Of course I immediately pulled out the decorations and went to town on that beauty.  I don't have much yet, just a few red and gold bulbs from last year, a few old pieces my mom gave me and 2 new items from my Nina.  But it still looks pretty cute! 

Last Sunday I kindly asked my hubby to take me to find a Christmas Tree . . . after a little persuading we went! Boy did we have fun shaking those dead pine needles out of the tree- messy messy! Nothing a good ole' dirt devil cant clean up!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sweet Saturday Night

After our long journey home on Saturday Night we went to this cute little restaurant called PJ's Alley.  It's an old Church with Stain glassed windows that was turned into a wonderful restaurant.  The food is amazing!  Then we took Phoenix for a walk around our quaint little neighborhood in Orange.

Surf Spot Central

So we stayed in San Diego until Saturday and then took my little prince with us and headed home. Of course you can't drive home from SD without checking all the hot surf spots on the way . . .  so we stopped at a few spots and unfortunately for my sweet pea there were no waves.  We still had a blast looking at the beautiful sunset and we even checked out 2 locations in San Clemente  for my photo shoot for work.  P.S. How amazing is Keith's hair in that 3rd picture??!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

SD here we come!

We said we were going to wake up early and head down to G-ma's house but we both have been soo busy we slept and slept and sept in.  So when we finally got on the road it took us an hour and a half to get form Orange to Mission Viejo! So needless to say we were both pretty irritible and I could only star at so many of Keith's cartoon cloud animals . . . actually it was really cute!  So we decided to pull off the 5 freeway and take Ortega Hwy to the where it hits the 15 in Lake Elsinore and head down that way.  Once we got on that road we were in heaven with the beautiful scenery to keep us busy  - what a difference your surroundings make!

My Sweet Cheese!

We ran around to 4 different stores so I could find a Spring Form Pan to make my PUMPKIN SWIRL CHEESECAKE for Thanksgiving. Now that I am married I have to cook or bake something  . . .  wink, wink.  As we were running around Keith dragged me into to Big 5 to see the Shot Gun he wants to buy!  After I finished baking I let Keith lick the bowl and spatula! Oh my sweet cheese . . .  cheesy guy.


Well we went down to San Diego for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful day with my grandparents, parents, sister and Darrrra.  I was able to play with my sweet little prince . . . Phoenix!  My Grandpa and Dad fried the turkey and it was delicious!  My dad even ate 2 slices of my Pumpkin Swirl Cheesecake!  It must have been a hit!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Our Baby Niece!

Keith's brother Jeff gave me an exciting call on Tuesday saying she is coming! At 6 am (Wednesday morning) our sister-in-law Rachel gave birth to a 7lb 10 oz 20 inch long beautiful baby girl named Anndylan Ross.  She is darling and a sweet little bundle of pink joy!  I am positive she will be a runway model or volleyball player with the length of those legs!  Congratulations Rachel and Jeff- she is a beauty!

Flea Market Frenzy

After the beach we went on a Flea Market Frenzy!!!!  Well I am not sure if you all know how much I love Flea Markets- but Keith shares in my obsession.  The only problem is even at a Flea Market I can spend twice or even 3 times the amount he does.  Keith found a army artillery can ("for his ammo")and I fell in love with a Gucci bag.  Unfortunately it was still too much to spend 4 weeks before Christmas.  I am hoping it's still there after the Holidays and I can bargain her down on the price!

Morning on the beach

Of course we can't camp at the beach without checking the surf . . . we tried to meet up with some of Keith's surf buddies but we couldn't find them so we had a Bible Study on the beach and tried to skip rocks. It was a wonderful morning . .  not to mention the amazing Breakfast Burrito from Pedros!

Camping Down South!

On Saturday Keith and I decided to pack up some food and drinks blankets and pillows and head down to San Onofre to camp at the beach! It was awesome, we ate brats and roasted marshmallows.  We went and sat on the beach and watched the trains go by.  It was almost a full moon so it was so bright that we didn't even need a flashlight! It was amazing!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Bam Bam!!

So my tough guy went shooting out in the desert . . .  he is trying to get me to go along next time.  You never know maybe I will get Dirty Harry on him!  Either that or he will take my Grandpa Nort instead!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My Bad Boy

I was always attracted to the "Bad Boys" but married a good one with a tough look!  Keith on his way to the desert to go shooting with the boys!  He is so cute . . . and tough!

P.S. That is not his gun . . . he borrowed it from a good friend, Byron.

Crafts Galore!

My 2 Grannies, my grandma's sweet friend Pam and I spent a wonderful day getting flu shots (not I of course) drinking coffee & tea and shopping the Christmas boutique.  It was such a great time laughing and chatting and sharing good times.  I even bought a peanutbutter cake that we all had a taste of . . . mmmmm boy!