Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Family Fun with ones we love

This year we did things a little different- instead of doing a valentine's dinner the just the two of us- we spent the day with family. We even went to dinner at one of the Graham family Fav's -  Casa Gamino.  We have been going to that restaurant since I was in 2nd grade- we went there after my 1st Communion!  Crazy I know!

I love my love!

Keith was so cute . . . first thing on Saturday morning he ran down to his car and ran back up to give me my Valentine's gift.  He gave me an adorable flannel top, and some fun fashion jewelry from my favorite boutique!  It was so sweet and thoughtful!  I am wearing the top in the photos ;)
We had a blast going to our favorite breakfast joint the Filling Station in Orange and we LOVED our Chai lattes!

Deviated Septum??

Amy had her surgery and we went to take her a feel better jamba juice!  I think I may have a deviated septum . .  if it means a new nose- I am in!  

Where's Eddie????

My sister decided to get in on the Eddie hiding and Keith was going crazy the other day looking for him. Where oh where can Eddie be . . . . 

Taxes & Burritos

Nothing is better then getting your taxes out of the way and following it up with an Albertos bean & cheeser.  oH how could I forget the SUPER FRY!!!  A-M-A-Z-I-N-G ! ! !

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Superbowl Sunday!

I can't believe that game . .  . could have been an amazing comeback if the Arizona Defense had actually been playing!  But we still fun just the two of us!